Avant-garde films in bed – One of the most exciting video art festival takes place in Barcelona
Category: Cinema
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Andres Veiel's documentary Riefenstahl about the Nazi director fails to provide new insights
At 79, the busy director isn't just collecting honorary awards. He just started a new 3D project about the architect Peter Zumthor
He won the Golden Lion in Venice last year. Now Hamaguchi's laconic, suggestive ode to nature is coming to cinemas
Mati Diop's film Dahomey focuses on the return of ancient cult objects to the African state of Benin
The Austrian artist is one of the most important painters of our time. Her film work, on the other hand, is still an insider tip. Her great animated films were shown at Berlinale
How Greta Gerwig makes Mattel’s controversial doll lovable and hip For weeks now, we’ve been bombarded with candy-colored […]
Wes Anderson has chosen the science fiction genre of the 1950s for his latest film Asteroid City. But no worries UFOs aren't the only topic […]
There are still people who believe that short films are only for beginners: exercises from students, […]
Berlinale is over, the awards have been presented, and there were talks again about the festival lacking movie star glamour […]
Der Film basiert auf Recherchen der New York Times-Journalistinnen Jodi Kantor und Megan Twohey und ihrem gleichnamigen Buch […]
Erstmal vorweg: Ich mag Noah Baumbachs Filme, Frances Ha, Marriage Story, The Squid and the Whale, alles sehr […]
George Millers opulente 1000undeineNacht-Geschichte mit einer schrulligen Tilda Swinton als Professorin für Geschichtenerzählen, die einen Flaschengeist erweckt. Idris […]
In Cannes hat er die Goldene Palme gewonnen, von seinem Vorgängerfilm The Square schwärmte die Welt. Damals hatte […]
Hamburg, 25.8.22 Streng genommen ja kein Kino, aber der Auftritt des kalifornischen Meisters der Schmuddel- und Sudel-Performance im […]